Monday, January 14, 2008

Anatomy Roots, Suffixes, and Preffixes

1. Root: adip
Meaning: fat
Term: adipose
Definition: Relating to animal fat
Sentence: Adipose tissue provides insulation.
2. Root: bio
Meaning: life
Term: biopsy
Definition: The removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body
Sentence: They did a biopsy on the dead body.
3. Root: capit
Meaning: head
Term: decapitate
Definition: To cut off the head
Sentence: The girl, sadly, was kidnapped and decapitated.
4. Root: cephal
Meaning: head
Term: cephalad
Definition: Toward the head or anterior end of the body
Sentence: the shoulders are cephalad to the waist.
5. Root: corp
Meaning: body
Term: corpus
Definition: the body of an animal or person, especially dead
Sentence: The people inspected the corpus.
6. Root: crani
Meaning: skull
Term: cranium
Definition: the part that encloses the brain
Sentence: Your cranium protects your brain.
7. Root: dent
Meaning: tooth
Term: dental
Definition: of or relating to the teeth or dentistry
Sentence: My mom is obsessed with teeth because she used to e a dental assistant.
8. Root: hist
Meaning: tissue
Term: histology
Definition: deals w/ the minute structure of animal and plant tissues
Sentence: I was interested in plant and animal tissues so I took histology in school.
9. Root: later
Meaning: side
Term: lateral
Definition: of, or relating to the side
Sentence: the lungs are located lateral to the sternum.
10. Root: ocul
Meaning: eye
Term: oculist
Definition: One skilled in treating diseases in the eye.
Sentence: the woman went to the oculist because she had a severe eye infection.
11. Root: oste
Meaning: bone
Term: osteoblast
Definition: A bone forming cell
Sentence: If it weren’t for the osteoblast we wouldn’t be able to repair broken bones.

12. Root: phag
Meaning: eat
Term: phagocyte
Definition: A cell that engulfs and consumes foreign material and debris
Sentence: The phagocyte helps protect you from invading microorganisms.
13. Root: pleur
Meaning: side
Term: pleura
Definition: The delicate serous membrane that lines each half of the thorax of mammals and is folded back over the surface of the lung of the same side
Sentence: If it weren’t for the pleura your lungs wouldn’t be protected.
14. Root: quad
Meaning: four
Term: quadriceps
Definition: The greater extensor muscle of the front of the thigh that is divided into four parts
Sentence: it hurt to walk because, while exercising, I pulled my quadriceps.
15. Root: stern
16. Root: ab
Meaning: without
Term: abasia
Definition: Inability to walk due to muscle coordination.
Sentence: People in wheelchairs have abasia.
17. Root: ad
Meaning: toward
Term: adrenal
Definition: Of relating to or derived from the adrenal glands or their secretions
Sentence: She was always physically and emotionally stressed and when she went to the doctor she was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue.
18. Root: angi
Meaning: vessel
Term: angiography
Definition: the radiographic visualization of the blood vessels after injection of a radiopaque substance
Sentence: The girl was injected with a radiopaque substance, so she had a angiography done.
19. Root: auto
Meaning: self
Term: autograft
Definition: A tissue or organ that is transplanted from one part to another of the same body
Sentence: Surgeons prefer ceramic, autograft bone.
20. Root: centi
Meaning: hundred
Term: centimeter
Definition: one hundredth part of
Sentence: The short book is one centimeter thick.
21. Root: circum
Meaning: around
Term: circumflex
Definition: curving around
Sentence: Some blood vessels are circumflex.

22. Root: dextro
Meaning: right
Term: dextrad
Definition: To or toward the right side
Sentence: Her pain was dextrad of her body.
23. Root: epi
Meaning: upon
Term: epigastric
Definition: of, relating to, supplying, or draining the anterior walls of the abdomen
Sentence: Some diseases can cause epigastric pain.
24. Root: ex
Meaning: out of
Term: excision
Definition: the act or procedure of removing by or as if by cutting out
Sentence: The man had to have a surgical excision to get rid of his tumor.
25. Root: inter
Meaning: between
Term: interrenal
Definition: between the kidneys
26. Root: non
Meaning: not
Term: nonviable
Definition: not capable of living or developing
Sentence: most of the time, runts of a liter are nonviable.
27. Root: ortho
Meaning: straight
Term: orthopedic
Definition: marked by or affected with a skeletal deformity, disorder, or injury
Sentence: She was having problems with her knees and when she went to the doctor, she found out she needed to have orthopedic surgery.
28. Root: path
Meaning: disease
Term: pathology
Definition: The study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them
Sentence: I was very interested in diseases so I took pathology in school.
29. Root: pseudo
Meaning: false
Term: pseudopod
Definition: the temporary projection of the cytoplasm of certain cells
30. Root: sinistro
Meaning: left
Term: sinistrad
Definition: toward the left side
Sentence: Your ring finger is sinistrad to your right hand.
31. Root: cide
Meaning: kill
Term: aborticide
Definition: a drug that causes abortion.
Sentence: I strongly disagree with someone using aborticide, innocent babies don’t deserve to die.

32. Root: itis
Meaning: inflame
Term: hepatitis
Definition: inflammation of the liver
Sentence: The woman’s liver was inflamed because she had hepatitis.
33. Roots: logy
Meaning: study of
Term: histology
Definition: deals w/ the minute structure of animal and plant tissues
Sentence: I was interested in plant and animal tissues so I took histology in school.
34. Root: meter
Meaning: measure
Term: pedometer
Definition: An instrument usually in watch form that records the distance a person covers on foot by responding to the body motion at each step
Sentence: The women had to walk a mile each day, so she used a pedometer to keep track.
35. Root: plasty
Meaning: formed
Term: osteoplasty
Definition: plastic surgery on bone
Sentence: The woman had to get osteoplasty on her broken bone.
36. Root: scope
Meaning: examine
Term: otoscope
Definition: an instrument w/ lighting and magnifying systems used for visual examination of the tympanic membrane and the canal connecting it to the exterior of the body
Sentence: He couldn’t see the tympanic membrane with his own eyes, so he used an otoscope.

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